Monday, June 22, 2009

Test Book review

Ms. Hempel Chronicles by Sarah Shun-lien Bynum

The title doesn’t do justice to this quirky collection of stories about a young teacher and her middle-school students. Ms. Hempel, unknown to her students, has a life that she needs to negotiate and grow into, just as they do. They spend their days staring at her, she spends her days teaching them, but also worrying about how she looks, whether she’s developed her sensitivity to the appropriate and inappropriate in school productions and

Friday, May 15, 2009

California Libraries - Get Involved

Make a Difference Volunteer

In partnership with VolunteerMatch

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Did nothing, enjoyed the sun

so rare...
well yeah i washed clothes, and cooked 2 meals and put dirty dishes in dishwasher, and ran to market for dinner fixings (as my husband would say, i would never call it fixings or god forbid fixin's) and checked credit card, checking account, savings account, e-mail on computer, but that isn't really doing anything, instead I read a book and newspaper in the sun for much of the day...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Dresden Man Lived 50,000 Years Ago, Didn't He?

So I look on technorati with the keyword Jeopardy and no one has posted about the Jeopardy Test- even those who took it in 2 days ago- what are you afraid we're going to steal your answers and ruin your chances for fame and fortune? Or did I just not look hard enough?
Taking the test for Jeopardy- I must be a masochist- it's not enough that people are IMing me all day asking why the Oregon trail was a triumph, or asking for the address of a long defunct, non-public company in Nowhere, Minnesota- I have to give answers when I'm off work- and they're timed, and I can't research them.

Ok, so now I know that I'll never be called for Jeopardy! Who autographed a football, I don't know, O.J. Simpson? My oldest son, who I called directly after, as he had called me an 1/2 hour before, yes we're a family of geeks, said it was Terrell (sp?) Owens. And my geography is terrible, what water cuts Maryland in half, was it a bay or probably a river, I can't even remember if I guessed, my husband claims it's the Potomac, and then I though, duh, it is near Washington D.C. And forget the new or old testament, I'm a secular Jew who was raised that way too, and my one year of religous school just wasn't enough to tell me who was the first to see Jesus rise from the dead, and telling me it's Mark who said it is like telling me George or Dick or Colin or Condoleeza said it, I mean there all the same person aren't they?

I did know quite a bit, who else but Danielle Steel has written 66+ novels, and You Can't Go Home Again stared at me from my parents' bookshelves with the name Wolfe on the spine for 18 years though I've never read it, that doesn't count in Jeopardy! But you know you're over 50, when his Nine Stories with the Glass Family that you loved as a teenager, discussed with your middle son just a few years ago, manages to elicita a mental J., another initial and nothing for a long pause as time is ticking away and you can only manage to type a lower-case salinger just before the buzzer (so to speak.) And I wished I had remembered to look at the category before there were 3 seconds to go- Rhyme Time- and then I might have been able to switch vault/salt into the correct order.

There's always next year....